Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Special Report: Man Invades Tuesdays with Dorie

Please welcome hubs, my guest poster today. You can find the recipe for these Buttery Jam Cookies over at Heather's blog Randomosity and the Girl. Enjoy!

Yes…I said it. I am over six foot tall, over two-hundred pounds, can tear phone books in half and lift small cars…..but today my task was no feat of strength or bravery. It was a simple request to help my wife by baking a pan of Buttery Jam Cookies following the detailed directions from Baking: From My Home to Yours. While my sweet wifey….who dominates the kitchen…was narrating the Christmas cantata for the elderly in our church, I was navigating the rough flour dusted waters of cookie making.
I started by pulling out the hand mixer and briefly considered how I could speed up the process by inserting the beater into my power drill (yes, it has happened before during a bet involving organic peanut butter). After mixing the butter that wifey left out for me, I added the sugar and egg. I got a little lost on the word “satiny” that Dorie used. I don’t know that my mixture was “satiny,” but I did want to use it as a moisturizer and then lick off any leftover residue.
After adding the dry ingredients and more beating I found that the cookie making process wasn’t as hard as I thought. Indeed, reading directions and following them has been my downfall and the downfall of my gender, but in this case things were going well. The only difficulty I had was spooning out teaspoon sized balls of dough onto the cookie sheet. I’m sure that my “spooning process” was no different than most, but it was a sticky mess that took 25 minutes.
The only change I made to the recipe was to use blackberry jam as that was the first jam I could find. The blackberry jam was very good, but did result in purple cookies which I find unnatural.
I did enjoy my morning in the kitchen baking, but I know that it would be best if I stuck with tearing phone books.