Pink Saturday! Today I'm sharing a couple gorgeous items from Pom Pom Interiors in Los Angeles, CA. I live in South Carolina but went to LA for business in June and managed to snag a day of sightseeing before flying back home.
I was in pink/white/seashell/shabby chic/French flair HEAVEN during my visit, nay my pilgrimage, to Pom Pom.
This was one of the first things I saw, and it was SO hard not to lay down the serious money it would have taken to make it mine.
But you know I couldn't leave without taking some of that delicious pink home with me!
You can see more of Pom Pom as the February 2007 Cottage of the Month at the Old Painted Cottage; click here for more pink and some linen and silver, a little furniture...I'm telling you, the place is heaven.