My partner was Mommy Holly and she hooked me up.
And here's what I sent Holly!
Look at that precious wreath! Totally looks vintage. That postcard in the middle is actually vintage, complete with handwritten message, cancelled stamp and postmark from the early 1900's (I think...I didn't take a picture of the back before I sent it!).
Here's a close up of the "VINTAGE" banner. Made it myself! These are definitely not traditional Christmas colors, but that snowman paper was too cute to pass up, so I let it dictate the color scheme. Holly says it is on her tree. Holly, you need to post a pic of your tree so I can see what else is on it!
The sparkly white stars were made from wool blankets from the 1930s. The reindeer is a vintage wax figurine that I think used to hold a think red taper candle; there's a spot in the back just the right shape for a skinny candle; its even got bits of red wax on the edges. Aren't those little snowpeople so cute! You can buy these and other chenille characters at Country Route Prims on Etsy. No connection; I just like to share the good news about great products!
Holly doesn't get snow where she lives so I included the snowflake stickers to help her imagine piles of snow all over the place. I don't get snow either, Holly, and I am severely jealous of those of you who do! I just want one good white Christmas and then I'll be fine.
The little house on the left is a box of chocolate covered graham crackers from Germany. It was called the Witch's House or something like did that merchandise order go? "Yeah and uh, send us 500 of those Christmas Witch treat things. Americans love Christmas Witches"...I'm a sucker for treats made of real ingredients (none of that hydrogenated stuff, please) and from other countries. You know I have about 5 more of those things at my house right now. We'll see if they actually make it to all the stockings I bought them for...
I had such a great time putting together Holly's swap box and getting to open the one she sent me. Thanks to Heidi for hosting such a fun event. Join the fun and go sign up for Heidi's Very Vintage Valentine Swap!